
Chakte Viga Lumber

Chakte Viga

Chakte Viga-Chakte Viga is related to Brazil Wood (Pernambuco). It is very stiff and dense with closed grain. It is a dream to finish, taking a glassy, silky-smooth finish. Sand sides to .080" to make the bending process easier. Some sapwood center pieces are available. These are highly figured, very unique sets. Special grade is highly figured. Figured grade is nicely figured. The color of this wood is a lovely Burnt Orange.

Available to Order:

Available to order in 4/4 and 8/4 brilliant orange color when fresh surfaced,

This material will not fade as bad as red heart.

Grade: select and better 4'' and wider x 6 feet and longer.

Hand picked from mills from the Yucatan peninsula near the border of Belize.

Call (408) 392-0573 or email us for specific needs we will pull and hand select for your requirements.

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